Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Občas to vyjde

Někdy se mi stane, že překonám lenost a webmasterům stránek, které mi ve FF dělají potíže, napíšu.

Onehdá jsem napsal toto:
Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm a regular user of the www.*******.com site. Apparently, there is something wrong in the way mime headers are (or are not?) sent to browser, when downloading (pdf) files, which causes www browsers following the WWW Consorcium standards (i.e. Mozilla Firefox) to wrongly identify the file type as application/octet-stream, so that the downloaded file must be renamed manually. (perhaps see the w3c note:
I assure you that this is a very annoying behaviour and believe it can be fixed without major efforts.

Best Regards

****** ******

a dneska, zhruba po měsíci, mi přišla odpověď:

Dear Sir,

We have modified the www.******.com site to be compatible with Firefox. Let us know if you meet any other trouble.

Best regards.

***** *****

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